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MISFN Annual Meeting 2023

Abstract and Presentation Submission 


Submission deadline: May 15, 2023




Poster Awards:

  • Poster dimension should be 48x36 inches (L x H)

  • Eight poster awards will be given in the categories shown below; each award is $100

  • Those that completed programs in 2022-2023 may enter poster competitions of their former status if desired. For example, if work being presented was completed in 2022-2023 as an undergraduate, but you have already graduated, you may still enter the undergraduate competition.

  • Undergraduate, Graduate Student, and Post-Doctoral poster awards are assessed by judges with higher degrees from institutions other than the presenter's institution, and based on the content and style of the poster, recorded presentation, and live performance. 

  • All posters automatically qualify for the People's Choice Award where all attendees (includng students) can nominate the poster with the most merit presented by someone from an institution other than their home institution. 

Award Categories: 

  • 3 Undergraduate Awards

  • 3 Graduate Awards

  • 1 Post-Doctoral Award

  • 1 People's Choice Award (does require competition entry)

  • ​

Abstract Guidelines:

  • Many participants submit either their current SFN abstract or one from the previous year.

  • Program themes are based on those prescribed by the Society for Neuroscience (major themes A - J).

  • To include Greek letters in abstract: Type document into Microsoft Word or similar word processor, and copy and paste.

  • Abstract body may not be more than 450 words.

  • For poster competition: Participants MUST turn in a link to a recorded 5 minute presentation as a part of their abstract submission to compete in the poster competitions

    • The first slide must include an image of the entire poster​. When creating the recorded presentation, only describe the title and possibly main purpose with this slide. Create more slides with easier to view images and text to present the rest of the information.

    • No moving image, animations, or videos are permitted in the presentation.

    • Content of presentation slides may only include content on the poster, but the content may be arranged to fit the slides as needed. 

    • Recorded presentation will influence overall scores and should include all expected components of the rubric (background, methods, results & analysis, "big picture" etc.) other than answering questions. Access the Poster Judging Rubric here.

    • How record screen and create a link using :



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