Outreach contacts
Interested in learning more about outreach, or of participating in an outreach event? The chapter members below are actively engaged in outreach, and are working to increase collaboration and information sharing amongst all chapter institutions. If you are interested in being added to this list, contact the web page coordinator.
Michigan State University - East Lansing
Jenny Taylor taylo958@msu.edu
Casey Henley clhenley@cns.msu.edu
MSU-Grand Rapids-Department of Translational Science & Molecular Medicine
Scott Counts Scott.Counts@hc.msu.edu
Wayne State University
Tom Fischer thomas.fischer@wayne.edu
Western Michigan University
Lisa Baker lisa.baker@wmich.edu
Peter Vollbrecht peter.vollbrecht@med.wmich.edu
Central Michigan University
Julien Rossignol rossi1j@cmich.edu
Bhairavi Srinageshwar srina1b@cmich.edu
Hope College
​Andy Gall gall@hope.edu
University of Michigan
Brittany Kuhn bnkuhn@umich.edu