2023 Registration information
Registration is open!
One person can pay for multiple registrants; follow the instructions provided below.
According to our by-laws, chapter membership is determined though payment of registration fees. Your registration fees are also used to help cover the costs of the annual meeting. ​
How to register and pay:
You must complete the information form below for each registrant, irrespective of who is paying.
Include the last name of the person who is paying, whether it is you or someone else.
To pay, use the PayPal button located below the registration form. Determine the amount you owe from the fee structure above, then enter that amount in the "Price per item" box. Do not change the number of items selection!
Group/multiple registrations:
Determine the TOTAL fee of all registrants using the fee structure above.
Click the PayPal button below the registration form, and enter this amount in the "Price per item" box. You do not need to change the quantity value (keep at 1).
Make sure all attendees complete the registration form and include the last name of the person paying for them on their submission.
If you have questions or problems with payment, contact the Chapter Treasurer Dr. Hilary Marusak.